Having Hope

Helping Michael Beat Cancer

Helping Michael Beat Cancer

Thanks to support from our donors, Hope Strengthens Foundation (HSF) has been privileged to assist 11-year old Michael Scala in his fight against leukemia. Earlier this month, HSF co-founder Jake Ferreira was joined by fellow U. S. Coast Guard Reservists, Lieutenant...

What a day!

What a day!

The 4th Annual HSF Charity Golf Outing took place on Monday, May 9th at Walpole Country Club. We had a great day of weather and a full-field of players. It was not lost on us that these players along with our incredible volunteers took valuable time out of their...

Support for Michael Scala

Support for Michael Scala

Michael Scala is an 11-year old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 9. After a year of intense chemotherapy and radiation, Michael relapsed after being in remission for only 6-months. The next step was a bone marrow transplant. Soon after receiving the...

How you can help.

Charitable donations can take many forms: cash, stock transfers, donor-advised funds (Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable Donor Advised Funds), and rollover IRA’s, to name several. If you prefer, we’d be honored to discuss planned giving with you as well.

It takes a village
Hope Strengthens Foundation not only provided my children and I support during the worst time in our lives, they made us part of their family. Words cannot express the gratitude my boys and I have for this amazing organization. You could not ask for a better foundation to invest in, the founders are amazing men with very big hearts.

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