Having Hope

Celebrating Michael

Celebrating Michael

We received the difficult news that after nearly 10 months post-bone marrow transplant, Michael Scala has relapsed. The leukemia remains aggressive and while Michael's fight continues, his family and friends are focused on celebrating the precious time they have with...

Back in the saddle!

Back in the saddle!

After battling an illness, Neil Hajjar was back in the saddle at his Mane Stream hippotherapy session. This innovative therapy uses horseback riding as a therapeutic or rehabilitative treatment, especially as a means of improving coordination, balance, strength and...

Patrick continues his fight

Patrick continues his fight

Patrick is fighting his brain cancer daily and is still holding strong. This past week, Patrick and his wife traveled back to Duke University for additional tests and meetings with his doctors. The good news is that the tumor hasn't increased in size. Hope Strengthens...

An update on Patrick

An update on Patrick

Since sharing Patrick's story earlier this summer, he and his wife, Stephanie visited Duke University to explore further treatment options. They decided to participate in a PVS-RIPO trial, otherwise referred to as the Polio trial, to battle his brain cancer. Last...

A Challenge Answered!

A Challenge Answered!

Last month, we shared a story about our efforts to support Michael Scala. We've had the privilege of covering medical bills and care expenses as he battles back against leukemia. We also met Michael in-person at the Ronald McDonald House of Boston, close to where he...

Meet Patrick Erwin

Meet Patrick Erwin

Patrick Erwin and his wife Stephanie have six kids, three of whom are adopted. Their lives revolve around gymnastics, baseball, and birthday parties. In 2015, Patrick had a grand mal seizure at work. The doctors discovered a brain tumor. And thus began over a year of...

Matt is on the move!

Matt is on the move!

Thanks to our donors, we recently funded a project to construct a path from Matt Feighner's front door on the top floor to the back door on the lower level of his house. Without this path, Matt's wheelchair would easily get stuck in the dirt and he and his wife Emily...

How you can help.

Charitable donations can take many forms: cash, stock transfers, donor-advised funds (Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Charitable Donor Advised Funds), and rollover IRA’s, to name several. If you prefer, we’d be honored to discuss planned giving with you as well.

It takes a village
Hope Strengthens Foundation not only provided my children and I support during the worst time in our lives, they made us part of their family. Words cannot express the gratitude my boys and I have for this amazing organization. You could not ask for a better foundation to invest in, the founders are amazing men with very big hearts.

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